Exploring Nursing Homes and Assisted Living
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Exploring Nursing Homes and Assisted Living

Hello, my name is Amelia. Welcome to my site about nursing homes and assisted living facilities. When my mother developed a hip problem that prevented her from safely living at home alone, we started the long search for a suitable place for her to live. We toured each of the facilities in our area to find the one that felt most like home while providing all of the support and security she requires. Through this site, I would like to help other people weed through the options to find the best possible place for their loved ones to live. Thanks for visiting my site.


Exploring Nursing Homes and Assisted Living

  • Dementia Care For Those Who Need Assisted Living And Memory Care Services

    14 October 2019

    An Alzheimer's care facility provides the safety and care needed to keep people who are dealing with the early stages of dementia protected. A memory care facility in assisted living is designed to meet the safety needs of residents who need structure and oversight, but who are still able to take care of most of their own physical needs. Assisted living is for moderately independent people who are able to get dressed, provide their own bathing care, and don't require hands-on care consistently.

  • 2 Major Ways to Care for Your Aging Parents

    26 August 2019

    It's hard watching your parents age. Seeing the once vibrant couple lose a little bit of life each day takes a toll on you. When it comes time to provide your parents with the extra care that elderly folks need, things will become even more challenging. Here, you'll find a few tips to help you help your parents live through their golden years with love, dignity, and respect. Utilize Caregiving Services

  • Signs That It Might Be Time for a Move into Assisted Living

    6 June 2019

    If you have an aging loved one that you are starting to get concerned about, the idea of moving them into an assisted living facility might have crossed your mind from time to time. Of course, it can be hard to know when it is truly time to make that move. You want to keep them safe, but you do not want to jump ahead of yourself and move them out of their private home too soon.

  • Caring For An Aging Parent? Creative Solutions To Help Them Remain In Their Own Home

    20 February 2019

    One of the biggest fears shared by older Americans is being forced to leave their home because of physical limitations that worsen with age. Adult children who have begun to take on increased responsibility for the care of an aging parent understand the desire of their parent or parents to remain in their own home but may not understand how to make that possible with their own work schedule and family commitments.

  • Three Tips For Helping Your Parent Choose The Right Assisted Living Facility

    19 November 2018

    Moving into an assisted living facility is usually a positive step, but it can also be a difficult one at first. Your aging parent will have all the care they need in assisted living, while also getting to live in a comfortable home. You will no longer need to worry about them falling, otherwise injuring themselves, or forgetting to take their medication. In order to ensure that your parent is fully onboard and excited for this next step, it's important to help them choose the right assisted living location.