Exploring Nursing Homes and Assisted Living
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Exploring Nursing Homes and Assisted Living

Hello, my name is Amelia. Welcome to my site about nursing homes and assisted living facilities. When my mother developed a hip problem that prevented her from safely living at home alone, we started the long search for a suitable place for her to live. We toured each of the facilities in our area to find the one that felt most like home while providing all of the support and security she requires. Through this site, I would like to help other people weed through the options to find the best possible place for their loved ones to live. Thanks for visiting my site.


Exploring Nursing Homes and Assisted Living

  • What Is ABA Therapy?

    22 August 2017

    Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy is a well-researched and common approach to therapy for people with autism and other related disorders. It's especially beneficial for young children who have been recently diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. What Is the Meaning of Applied Behavioral Analysis? ABA therapy focuses on real-world results to help children with autism function in the different settings they'll be in the most, like home and school. Applied means the goal of therapy is to work toward appropriate social behaviors rather than abstract concepts.

  • You May Encounter These Situations Upon Visiting Your Parent With Dementia

    26 May 2017

    In the early stages of your parent having dementia, he or she may show little signs of this health issue beyond perhaps being a little forgetful. However, as the dementia progresses, you can often expect to see a number of changes in your loved one. These can be difficult to accept, as your parent will seem to grow into someone you no longer recognize. If you've moved your parent into a dementia care facility, at least you'll know that he or she is receiving the needed care.

  • When Diagnosed With Early Dementia: Maintaining Independence While Remaining Safe

    26 April 2017

    For most people, dementia comes on very slowly. Over time, the individual may start to have trouble remembering things like the steps to cooking a meal. Some of the first signs that a person may be struggling with dementia include getting lost in familiar places or consistently forgetting to complete basic daily tasks. If you are worried about a person in your life that is beginning to show signs of confusion which may be dementia, it's important to ensure that this person is safe if they are living at home alone.

  • Overcoming The Four Biggest Fears Of Senior Living

    14 April 2017

    Senior living is one of the best options for your elderly parents, however, there are many fears that surround senior living for both you and your parent. For this reason, many people are hesitant to even consider this option. Here are some tips to consider for overcoming the four most common fears of senior living: Boredom: Many times, there is a fear that senior living will be boring compared to staying at home.

  • Retirement Communities Listen Keenly To Baby Boomers

    12 April 2017

    You've heard about them. They're called baby boomers, and they're outspoken when it comes to the issues that affect their lifestyles. Their numbers keep growing. Boomers say that what they need matters, since they're the ones who will occupy their retirement living spaces. Does that opinion make them too blunt? Not a chance. As sure as faith, they won't spend their money unless they have a competitive choice about the retirement living space they want.